Kesha Rodgers and Sara So in Sara's living room-turned-remote learning basketball court-turned production area

Holy kittens! Updates & Actions for Allies

Hey y’all,

Be prepared for a lot of gratitude and a ton of exclamation points.

First of all, thank you for joining the League. And holy kittens…we have been on a wild ride since our last update, and we have so much to share with you!

Kesha & Sara in the living room - slash - production areaAs working moms who are new to entrepreneurship we may not always know what we’re doing, but we always  know what we want: to help mobilize allies to end racism. Every day is a new adventure in networking, learning, and finding more ways to make a difference. We are establishing ourselves, and thanks to your help we are hitting our stride.

The best part of all is that every business in our Premier Box is benefiting, and we couldn't be happier!

In this blog post, you’ll learn what we’ve been up to (a LOT), what we have coming up (a lot more), and a few simple actions you can take to be an ally.

So what have we been up to?

  • We’ve received more than 100 orders from 15 states so far! (We know…we can't believe it either!) Thank you so much for this show of support. We expect to sell out of our first run of the branded boxes. While we wait for more of the special boxes to arrive, we’re prepared to ship products in a plain black box (no logo) for a little while until we get more of the fancy ones. Don't worry - you’ll still get the pretty ribbon, swag, and good energy we put in every box to make sure it feels special!

  • We were featured in our  first unboxing video! Thanks go to local activist and Anti-Racist Communities Bothell founder, Savannah Jackson. Our hearts sang the whole time we watched it! Not only is her video a ton of fun, but she is a dynamo working really hard to help her community.

  • We did our first media interview! Shout out to Malcontent Tango for sharing our story with their audience.

  • We put our first volunteer to work! A high school student helped Sukie (of Sukie’s Candles) label candle tins to help her meet increased holiday demand. Another volunteer helped write thank you notes for a corporate client. Entrepreneurs got the help they needed, and allies got to contribute and see Black entrepreneurs in action. Win win!

  • We got our first Black Box for Business clients!  A local non-profit partnered with us on a customized box for their board members. They loved them so much, they placed another order for their staff! Another fantastic company in Southern California ordered custom boxes for their staff and clients. We are grateful and hope they love the goodies they’ll receive, and that the message resonates.

As exciting as all this is, we’re just as excited about what’s ahead!

  • We were interviewed for a local TV news story! Our interview with Evening Magazine on KING5 should air next week if all goes to plan - follow us on Facebook or Instagram to make sure you don't miss the link after it airs (or you could always watch every minute of Evening Magazine from now until you see us - your call ;) ).

  • We’re going to launch a quarterly subscription option!  We’re in planning our second edition Black Box, which will be filled with fabulous new products. And you’ll have the option to subscribe to get each edition of Black Box each quarter, automatically. You’ll still always have the option to buy a box on its own, and to get previous editions, too.

  • We’re exploring creating new products. We want to do what we can to help allies show their support, continue their learning, and have easier access to resources and education. Stay tuned for products specifically geared to address this need; there’s exciting stuff ahead!

What can you do to help? We’re glad you asked! Here are ways you can shift your empathy to action:

  • Follow us on Instagram and/or Facebook.

  • Check out our site for new stocking stuffers and a new experience offering that will spread some joy and help professional performing artists, too!

  • Volunteer  to help a Black-owned business or let us know about a business that needs volunteers. Contact us.

  • Let us know  about Black-owned businesses you love.

  • Tell a friend  about us so that they can join the League! They can subscribe, follow us on social media, volunteer, or purchase products

We have so much more to tell you about and can't wait to keep sharing the good news - thank you so very much for joining us on this journey and helping us make a difference during this unspeakable year. You have given us and those we are working with every day hope for a better tomorrow.

For now, we’ll leave you with a note we received from our first Black Box for Business customer:

When our Foundation first heard about the Ally League and their efforts to support black-owned businesses throughout the county, we knew there would be great alignment with our work. The Black Box subscription is incredible. Beyond the concept the products are like opening a big box of vacation. We are purchasing for our committee volunteers and staff. It’s amazing to find a gift that is living the talk of equity and social justice.

Thank you,
Karri Matau, CEO & President
Community Foundation of Snohomish County

Can’t wait to talk to you soon!

Kesha & Sara

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